A Counterintuitive Response to Chick-Fil-A

I know that I am late coming to the party, but it has taken me a while to really formulate my thoughts.  When the uproar regarding Chick-Fil-A president Dan Cathy became national news, I payed little attention.  It’s not that I don’t care about the issue of marriage and homosexuality, I do, but it isn’t something that is going to elicit a passionate response from me.  I realize this means people on both sides of the issue will find me naive or not taking a stand for the things that are right (the authority of scripture on one side, and civil rights on the other), but I’m more interested in people than issues.  No, that is not semantics because when I say “people” I mean individuals, and dealing with individuals who have stories forces me to hold my beliefs in tension with my love for the person.  Pure doctrine apart from the love for a specific individual can be a blunt sword used to maim many.

No, the reason that I haven’t jumped into the fray is because I haven’t really figured out what I really thought.  There were a couple of blogs that were helpful.  Barnabas Piper’s warning about the secondary messages Chick-fil-A Appreciation Day could send articulated something I was feeling, but couldn’t put words to.  Rachel Held Evans, in her blog, urged Christians on both sides to watch the speech and reaction to those who disagree with us, lest we hurt our integrity to the gospel.  These, and other articles, said things better than I could, but still left me desiring something when it comes to how we might respond to this day.

And then the cliche question came to mind, “What would Jesus do?”

Would Jesus wait in line to buy his juicy chicken sandwich and waffle fries?

Would he boycott the restaurant chain and call its president a bigot?

Or might he take an option none of us expect in order to dispel the escalating demonization present in this debate?

I’ve noticed that much of what either side of this debate does is in reaction to what the other side has done.  So Dan Cathy says he believes Biblical marriage is defined as marriage between a man and woman.  This, along with money he has given to groups who support his beliefs, upsets those who hold a differing opinion so they react by boycotting the restaurant and, in some cases, saying they won’t let the restaurant in their city.  This provokes those who side with Cathy to go out like a ravenous army to eat chicken and waffle fries, and on the cycle goes.

How did eating or not eating chicken sandwiches become a theological act?  When Jesus said, “Go and make disciples, teaching them everything I have commanded you,” was he intending us to stand in line for 75 minutes for a chicken sandwich?  Or boycott?

Or is it possible that what we witnessed today had more to do with escalating reactions against those who disagree with us, and had little had do with the Bible, marriage or homosexuality?

It’s the same thing we see on the playground.  One kid bumps another kid, who pushes the kid who bumped him, who shoves the kid back, who hits the kid, who punches the kids, who tackles the kid and we have a full blown fight.  It’s the USA and the Soviets threatening to blow the other to kingdom come so both build more bombs capable of even more destruction.  It’s the campaign that smears the opponent, who smears back and on and on to the point that voters only know the negative of each candidate instead of what they really are about.  Escalating demonization is the modus operandi of our culture and I fail to see how today was any different.

I realize people will think I fail to see the importance of their side of the issue.  I get that.  But I also think it doesn’t matter.  We may have the right stance on the issue, but our reaction to people who disagree with us is just as important.  The US thought its stance was right in terms of dealing with the Soviets, but their reaction was to build more bombs.  Which led the Soviets to build more bombs, which led to, you guessed it, more bombs!  But what if one side, either the US or the Soviets, said, “Enough is enough,” and stopped building bombs?  Might we have less nuclear weapons in the world today?

To stop escalating reactions against others one side must be willing to lay down their arms against the other side.  That seems counterintuitive and a sure fire recipe for defeat, but it is the only way.  And guess what?  The gospel is completely counterintuitive!

That Jesus would tell Peter to put away his sword is counterintuitive.  That Jesus would tell us to pray for our enemies and do good to those who persecute us is counterintuitive.  To carry the cloak of a soldier farther than required is counterintuitive.  Giving away things just because you have two of them is counterintuitive.  We could go on and on.  Much of the teaching of Jesus is counterintuitive to how we believe the world works.

That doesn’t mean we give up what we believe.  It simply means we stop reacting to the other side in such a way that it begets more reaction.  It slows down the rhetoric.  It stems the tide of regrettable, unhelpful behavior.

In order for both sides to be able to converse and constructively handle their differences, one side is going to have to lay down their “arms” and say, “No more.”  I believe, and this is where it gets hard, that side should be those who profess to follow Jesus.  Because that’s what it means to be a minister of reconciliation (2 Cor. 5:18-20) in the midst of a situation that continually escalates.  Again, that doesn’t mean a concession of beliefs or an affirmation of behavior.  It simply means we react to those who oppose us or our beliefs in a manner consistent of the one we say we follow.  Jesus willingly laid down is life in the name of reconciliation.  Does that mean he compromised his beliefs?  Of course not!  Refusing to participate in an exercise of escalating demonization doesn’t mean you never take a stand for what you believe in, it means you won’t react in such a way that it encourages escalation.

When I look at Jesus and how he responds to those who question his healing on the sabbath, or his response to those who bring the woman caught in adultery before him, or arrest him, or spit and mock him it makes me think: In the face of escalating reactions, that’s what Jesus would do.

38 thoughts on “A Counterintuitive Response to Chick-Fil-A

  1. My comment is that it would be best if we did not feel we had to comment about these types of events. Much adieu about nothing. A privately held company which already puts it’s profits where it’s beliefs lie by staying closed on Sunday and quite possibly passing up another billion a year in income most definitely has earned the right to also state it’s belief in the traditional Judeo-christian long held biblical position of marriage. If folks simply want to support the right for a company to hold this position, more power to them. To make more of it than that I think is allowing oneself to be pulled into the vortex that you actually think we as Christ followers should stay out of. All said with utmost respect for the blogger who I think much of.

    • I appreciate the comment. Especially your last point about getting pulled into the vortex. I actually thought about not posting anything regarding this. But not seeing anything like this out there, I wanted to add a different perspective.

      I actually agree, that it would be best to not comment on it. If that stance had been taken in the beginning, yesterday would not have been what it was.

      Lastly, I have no problem with people wanting to support the company. Support it because of their beliefs, or support it because of their food. Either way is fine. What concerns me is when the masses are called upon to show up and make the statement, “You can’t push us, we will push back!” With all the events in mind, that’s what yesterday looked like.

      Thanks for commenting Tim. I always appreciate your thoughts.

  2. Thanks for writing this, Nate. Like you, I’m still sorting through my thoughts and opinions on the matter. The thought that keeps resurfacing for me is that this was a form of creative social support for Christian’s abilities to openly speak their beliefs, not out of hatred for those who don’t agree with with them. It was peaceful, effective, and well-heard, not unlike marching around Jericho blasting our trumpets, or protesting on the steps of a government building to resist legislation banning feeding the homeless outdoors (http://sojo.net/blogs/2012/03/22/shane-claiborne-barriers-compassion-city-love/).

    With that said, I also hold in tension the need to lay down our swords and love on those who disagree with us. But as Christians, I believe we can do this while at the same time supporting others in the body who may be stepping out on a limb and getting beaten down for standing on God’s Word. Although we should expect that persecution when we hold strong, yesterday was in many ways a tangible way that Christians (who may otherwise be quiet and passive in their beliefs) could step up and support one of their own who was facing a challenge (albeit a company, but ultimately people).

    Now that we have made a great statement of support toward true freedom of speech and the foundation on which Chick-fil-a’s leadership stands, there is a responsibility to use the same energy to love on those who don’t believe as we do…the “ministry of reconciliation,” as you mentioned. This is where we have to get creative and we so often fall short.

    • Thanks Dave. I totally get everything you said. Here’s what I have been wondering this morning. What if, after Cathy made his statements and the media came out swinging, we dropped the issue? What if, rather than calling out the masses, it led to a real conversation? The reality is that, those who wanted to squash the free speech of Dan Cathy by outlawing a Chick-Fil-A would have experienced a ton of public kick back and, possibly, lawsuits.

      We shouldn’t be surprised when the Bible is divisive. So why do we get upset when people get mad at us? Jesus told us to expect this. And he told us to pray for our enemies. Saying that we need to stand on the Bible, then defend it and support people, then go into conversation is exactly what I am saying might be the wrong thing to do. Because in our “defending” we are actually building more “bombs” which escalates the behavior thus making the next step less likely.

      • I don’t disagree that our “defending” tends to build bombs…reminds me of the U2 “Stop helping God across the road like a little old lady.” My point was less about defending and more about supporting someone in the body of believers who is facing persecution. In a larger scale, if the opportunity arises to support Christians overseas who face life/death persecution, I hope we would all do that while still remaining “Christ-like” toward the enemies who threaten them.

        But as I mentioned, we can’t stop at that…

  3. ” That Jesus would tell us to pray for our enemies and do good to those who persecute us is counterintuitive.” A friend of mine in line at a Chic-fil-A in Ohio saw the manager of the store provide free food to the protesters outside the store.

    • Thanks for this comment. I think what that manager did is extremely commended. That’s the kind of story I hope would get publicized.

  4. There are a couple of things that I would like to comment on here. The first is that I wonder why American Christians believe that freedom of speech is a right passed down by God. I have read the Bible front to back many times and I have never seen that listed in the scriptures. We confuse many issues by adding an additional book to the Bible called the Constitution and Amendments of the United States. Often times we protect the Constitution more stringently than the Bible.

    Second is that there are a lot of Christians who believe “WWJD” means overturning the tables of the money changers and attacking those who are not Christians. This confrontational version of Christianity has become a poison in the Body of Christ.

    I had no problem with the silent protest of shopping at Chick-Fil-A. What I had a problem with was the people in line talking to news crews about how those Homosexuals were ruining the country. It’s almost as if they didn’t understand the concept of a silent protest. The motive of the heart is what mattered in this situation. It became less support of Christian beliefs and more sticking it to the opposition.

    • I have read widely on this and have not heard of anyone talking to news crews about homosexuals ruining the country. Could you provide a link or reference? I now there was one unsubstantiated post that has now been pulled, by a journalist.

    • woo hoo! Thanks, Tim 🙂
      All joking aside though…I don’t know if I have it right or not. The older I get and the more I learn, the more I realize how little I truly know (beyond Christ is Lord).

      But I do know that I love that we have the freedom to have these discussions and value the differing reactions we see all around us.

  5. When I first opened this message, my heart sank thinking here we go again. I was though pleasantly surprised by Nate’s message. It is about the people! No matter what you believe is right or wrong, you have to think about how your actions may hurt others. That silent protest to all come and get a sandwich to support Chick-Fil-A was more than supporting Christian beliefs. Once it was reported on the news and radio stations how many people stood in line to support them it also made a statement to the other side how many people stood against them. Yes, some may have been in line to support the freedom to express your christian beliefs, however, I am afraid more were in line to say we stand against those that believe differently than we do. I am afraid many individuals that live an alternative lifestyle felt we as Christians did not show compassion, kindness, and love to them by standing in line to support Chick-Fil-A and going on interviews with television stations to say things against those that live differently. I don’t want to be that type of Christian that makes these statements with protests based on freedom of speech and how one interprets what the bible states. There were brothers, sisters, daughters, sons, parents, etc. that were hurt and heartbroken by that silent protest. I know Jesus loves these individuals and why we would do anything to hurt those Jesus loves saddens me deeply.

  6. It’s never wrong to call sin, sin. Remember that homosexuality is the only sin referred to in the bible as an abomination to God, He not only destroyed Sodom and Gomorrah for it’s practice of it, but swore that nothing would grow or be built there again, and Lot’s wife was actually turned to a pillar of salt because she looked back. Lot’s family didn’t practice the lifestyle, but they weren’t opposed to those that did, and God moved them, because it is so destructive to His design. So as they fled He told them not to look back, God doesn’t want His people to look at sin with fondness, Lot’s wife couldn’t quit leave it all behind, and she paid the price! In the New Testament it is still referred to as the only sin that is an abomination, and says that you should not associate yourself with such people, so as not to engage in that type of behavior. I am not saying that we aren’t called to love our enemies, or pray for those that persecute us, because we are instructed to do so, but that does not mean to accept that it is being taught to our children as an “alternative”, or that they who chose to live that way should have the same recognition, and status as a married couple of one man and one woman. That is an insult to the Creator and His design. Who is man to think that they might be smarter than Him, that Created us. Jesus always offered grace and forgiveness to anyone! But He never failed not to point out their sins, the woman at the well, who was married five times, and currently living with a man who she wasn’t married to, the woman caught in the act of adultery, the Pharisees, even His own disciples. Yes, we can all choose to live contrary to God’s word, but that doesn’t mean that we aren’t to acknowledge something as sin, when the bible clearly states that it is. I think that we are called to take a stand, and yes it should be done with grace and love, we aren’t always so good at that, but we need to do what God has called us to, because if we don’t we will suffer the same fate as Lot’s wife. If Lot’s family had refused to move, when God called them, they would have been destroyed along with everyone else, and so it will be with us!

  7. I agree with a lot of what you are saying, however…our country was started because of a few people who held passionately to the word of God and what HIs desires were for people (along with a few other things). One of God’s desires for a pure people is that marriage stays between a man and a woman and we need to fight for that! Chick-fil-a appreciation day is not only a “vote” for marriage to stay between a man and a woman nor a slap in the face to any other belief….it is a day to say “thank you” to an amazing business, for what they do for communities. Our Chick-fil-a has just had “cow appreciation day” (silly, I know) where they gave away free food to people who dressed like cows and then two weeks later a “Care and Share” day where they gave free food to people who brought in non-parishable items. During our disastrous fire here in Colorado Springs, Chick-fil-a, only 2 miles from the mandatory evacuation zone, opened it’s doors to make food for the fire fighters and first responders and take it to them. Yesterday’s appreciation day was to commend Dan Cathy for having a business that is debt free and is still closed on Sundays. Yes, there were people there saying things about gays and lesbians that they should definitely not being saying. But most people there were saying thank you to Randy Watson, the owner of our Chick-fil-a, for being the most giving, unselfish, community focused man around. I know that’s not what the nation will see.

  8. Prayer was taken out of schools because the christian community sit back and did nothing while one woman pushed the issue. We must choose our battles for sure.

  9. John 8:3-11

    3 The teachers of the law and the Pharisees brought in a woman caught in adultery. They made her stand before the group 4 and said to Jesus, “Teacher, this woman was caught in the act of adultery. 5 In the Law Moses commanded us to stone such women. Now what do you say?” 6 They were using this question as a trap, in order to have a basis for accusing him.
    But Jesus bent down and started to write on the ground with his finger. 7 When they kept on questioning him, he straightened up and said to them, “Let any one of you who is without sin be the first to throw a stone at her.” 8 Again he stooped down and wrote on the ground.

    9 At this, those who heard began to go away one at a time, the older ones first, until only Jesus was left, with the woman still standing there. 10 Jesus straightened up and asked her, “Woman, where are they? Has no one condemned you?”

    11 “No one, sir,” she said.

    “Then neither do I condemn you,” Jesus declared. “Go now and leave your life of sin.”

    I think Jesus was modeling a proper reaction: No flaring temper. No escalating behavior. No taking the moral high ground with an arrogant heart and a finger pointing at the Pharisees.

    On a less serious note, I don’t know why, but I envision Jesus eating a Chick-fil-A sandwich while he’s writing with the finger of his other hand. They do taste good.

  10. If he was talking to a lesbian, he would ask her if he could sit beside her at a restaurant since there isn’t an empty booth. She would be surprised at his kindness and ask him about it. He would say to her that he could get her an even better place to sit – he has a place with the best chicken sandwich she has ever tasted, and then when she asks him for it, he would say, go get the man you love. She would say she doesn’t have such a man. Then Jesus would say, “You have answered well – for the person you are now with is not a man, but a woman. In this you have answered well.” Then she would say, “Sir you are definitely very spiritually and know God. Your book of Corinthians says that homosexuals can’t go to heaven, but I believe that God is loving and I will get to heaven no matter how I act.” Jesus would tell her, “You don’t understand the Bible – for salvation comes from it. However, now is a time when anyone who believes may be saved if they will worship me in spirit and truth. She would then return to her friends and tell them that this man who spoke such powerful words, and they would come to hear him speak. He would then teach them truth that would help their life; everything from the beginning of John chapter 8 and Matthew 5:43-48, to Romans 1 and Jude. Life would be awesome. That is what Jesus would do!

    • The above is a modernized rendering of John 4 for those who are wondering. John 8 is an excellent passage to modernize for situations in which people have been caught in sin and know they are sinning, while John 4 is very useful in circumstances where people are not fully aware of their sin. Praise the Lord for giving us passages of Scripture that apply to each situation of life!

  11. You are absolutely wrong here. It was a bump for bum confrontation. It was a group of people who demanded graft from Dan Cathy and Chic Fil A, they didn’t like the outcome, so they initiated a boycott. The ones that went Wednesday had no designs to “bump” or hurt anyone. It ass effort to support a business a that had been targeted for destruction.

    I always find it disgusting when reporters like this chump out on the facts . The others tried being a destructive force to extort and blackmail The group Wednesday just wanted to help a company out that was as attacked by offering a little bit of financial support.

    The two groups are not equal in their motive, actions or results , yet you try to make it a tit for tat scenario like children arguing

    What a joke

    • Thanks for posting Dave. I want to let you know I edited your post because I found some of the language inflammatory. I appreciate your perspective, although I disagree with it, but I want to keep the discourse civil. Allowing inflammatory language would simply go against what I believe and wrote.

      That said, I have to wonder, just how much financial damage would the boycott have done?

  12. I have to disagree with you about the eating issue. The bible is replete with discussions that connect food with spiritual life. From Genesis in the garden to the temptation of Jesus in the wilderness the first temptation was about food. Let’s not forget fasting which is really a moral issue. What you eat, who you eat with, what you condone all matters. This issue is about righteousness and standing up for what you believe in the face of persecution.

    We stand with the owner of Chick-fil-a in defense of standing with the gospel. Sin brings a curse and this is the real reason for the huge economical downturn of our nation. Shut the Christians out of your cities and your cities will collapse like the Roman Empire, the Egyptians, the Mayans and the great Greek civilzations.

    This is a moral issue and and an appeal to follow God’s ways and his blessings!

    Rev. L Larsen

    • Thanks for posting L. Larsen.

      What about the parts of the Bible where Jesus ate with sinners? Who would Jesus not eat with? He ate with religious leaders, tax collectors, thieves, and prostitutes. He didn’t seem to leave anyone out, and eschatologically speaking, invites all to the banquet table of the bridegroom (and no I am not saying all will necessarily be there, but that is a whole other discussion).

      • I never mentioned anything regarding not eating with sinners. We’re commanded not to eat with people who claim to know Christ but keep on sinning. He ate with Zaccheus who repented and turned from wickedness.
        Again, this is a moral issue because the ungodly want to destroy our faith. They are not content that others disagree.

        The owner of Chick-fil-A is being targeted for his Christian beliefs. Please remember the Tsunami of 2004 one day after Christmas, The atheists had told a group of Christians to leave the area to worship Christ’s birth. It is the largest known natural disaster resulting in over 250,000 deaths in 14 countries resulting from a 9.3 earthquake in the region.
        We Christians cause blessings on the earth and protect from disasters. Sin and disobedience brings destruction and death.
        We wish as does our loving God that none would perish.

      • I must have misread you. When you referenced the eating laws I thought you were implying we should not eat with certain people. I read that into your post and apologize.

        Theologically I struggle with what you are saying. You seem to be making such a clear connection between sin and disaster that it makes me wonder about what you would say to a Christian family who experiences disaster. For example, their young child dies from cancer. Is that their fault (i.e. unrepented sin), or another fault (i.e. their sin brought my family disaster)? Am I reading your right?

    • I have a hard time believing God will curse the USA for letting gay people marry, after having let us carry on blissfully after founding the nation through the death and destruction of those who were already living here, and growing the nation on the backs of people stolen and imported from Africa, and then discriminating violently against the descendants of those Africans until just a few decades ago.

  13. I would never imply that God is judging someone with disease, In fact I have never believed that even at quite a young age. God is the blesser. He warns us to choose life, follow His ways –
    Deut. 28:1-15, He states what brings curses vs 15 – end of chapter 28. I also don’t claim to know everyone’s situations. On the other hand, I personally have seen people raised from the dead, saved from sure death and powerfully healed and delivered from destruction.

    I have also seen judgement on people who mess with Christians and it is absolutely terrifying. God will defend His people. It’s wise not to try harm us. Ez.14:14, Prov, 24:15, Rom 12:19
    Prov, 18:5 Is a perfect illustration of this whole issue of why we are standing with Mr. Cathy of Chick-fil-A. The worst sin is calling good evil and evil good. It is the ultimate denial of all that is pure. – Is. 5:20.

    Ez. 14:14 shows us that a righteous man will be saved from disasters but he cannot save anyone else.

  14. There are so many sides, so many thoughts, and so many things to think about in this Chick-Fil-A (I bet those cows are happy!) dilemma. I always love reading and hearing your thoughts on current events. They seem to be what we all want to express but can’t easily put into words the way they should be expressed.

    Time and time again we have faced this type of scrutiny for the best methods possible in showing our love to the “Samaritans” in this sort of scenario. I like to think of the parable Jesus talks about with the Good Samaritan. Everyone who was a believer in the Jewish faith hated and could not stand the Samaritan. From my view, I feel that Jesus was giving us a universal message that applies then and now. Though we don’t quite understand where we find our thoughts in this chicken sandwich conspiracy, let us not grow weary in doing good for our neighbor when they are in need.

    And if we do see someone who is hurting, whether it is someone who is a homosexual, adulterer, a lukewarm Christian, or a murderer, we should pick them up, give them our time and love, and send them on their way to recovery.

    I know there are all kinds of sides to this situation. I am surely inadequate by all means to make my thoughts clear.

    I completely feel the same way as you do, Pastor Nate.

    Let us lay down our arms and see where we can come to a solution.

    Thank you for your Christened words. I was finally able to find mine.

    Erik Longenecker

  15. Well, I do think that people need to lay down their “weapons of war”. But I have a problem, you talk about peace and not pushing and shoving on the playground. So why is it, when someone voices an opinion do the Gay and Lesbian crowd yell so loudly and become so offended? If we are to truly take your advice to heart, then it needs to be Both sides. See, If only those who believe the bible are to be quiet and never push back, then the only voice out there is the opposite view. I don’t want my children growing up in a world where I am expected to always back down. I will teach them what is right, and teach them to take a stand where important. otherwise, I leave them no choice but to believe whatever people are yelling out there. It may be hard to comprehend, but Just because I say that i believe in Traditional Marriage, I am not preaching hate. People, however they believe are valuable, contributing citizens of society. However, the issue here is that people need to learn to not take offense when someone voices an opinion different from yours. ON BOTH SIDES… not just one.

    • Thanks for the thoughts Eileen.

      I completely agree that in a perfect world both sides would put down the “weapons”. But we don’t live in a perfect world. It gets difficult when we take all of Jesus teachings. Those teachings seem to say that we don’t back down, but that we don’t fight back. There seems to be an important distinction. The follower of Jesus must spend disciplined time reflecting about what it means to stand up for what is right, but not fight back. And given the call of a disciple of Jesus to be a minister of reconciliation, that is the work we are called to.

  16. Pingback: Living by Difficult Words | From One Degree to Another

  17. I have difficulty analogizing people’s decisions to buy fast food with taking up arms and escalating wars.

    Did buying a chicken sandwich — as I did — bother my conscience? No. I appreciate our local store. I thought it was Chik-fil-a appreciation day. I’m free to appreciate their gracious response when I’ve solicited donations from them (3 times last year!), their business model, their employment of many youth and elderly, and their owner’s good faith attempts to live out their Christian beliefs.

    Was I a stumbling block? I stayed in my car, went through the drive through, didn’t take a photo, blog, post on Facebook, tell anyone else what they should or shouldn’t do, write an article, point fingers, or chat about the issues. I did teach my children to research the facts, and about not making unfair assumptions about other people. Those discussions were private, in my home.

    Was the number of people who went a stumbling block? That’s what I’m hearing, that maybe we were. I haven’t heard anyone say directly that this hurt them, but let’s say yes, we were a stumbling block. How do you fault me now? What should I — and all the Christians to whom you are speaking — do differently next time? There’s only one answer: stay home. God will have to impart that to all of us divinely because if there is a Hobby Lobby appreciation day, I’m probably simple-minded enough to go.

  18. Everyone seems to enjoy quoting the bible and Jesus around here so here’s another quote for you. Jesus said “In this world you will have tribulation (trials, tests), but be of good cheer for I have overcome the world.” John 16:33. What you fail to understand is the benefits of following God’s law. We live above the curses of this world. You have no idea how blessed it came be to be a follower of Jesus Christ. There is no way I can quantify it. It is beyond anything this world has to offer (Deut. 28:1-14). While some here are busy trying to skip out on curses with lame attempts at rewriting scripture and silly ploys at aspersions of guilt, you’ve missed the whole point. We enjoy blessing far above measure.

  19. Pingback: Living by Difficult Words | From One Degree to Another

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